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Daily Devotion 5.12.20


May, 12, 2020

What Do You Want?

“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” Philippians 4:11

Have you ever asked a child what they wanted for their birthday or Christmas and have them tell you “nothing?” That is not a very likely scenario. Most of us when asked what we want for a birthday or some special occasion will have an answer. Especially when we have a desire to “want” something we cannot afford or really even need. We have wants and desires all the time. Yet it is refreshing when someone says, “I really don’t want or need anything.”

When you are purchasing something for a child and they tell you they really don’t want anything but to be with family and friends it makes you happy that the child recognizes the value of people over things. It makes you not only want to give them the fellowship, but also what they don’t want or need. When someone is unselfish it not only surprises us but give us great joy.

Can you imagine what God must feel like when we pray to Him without wants or needs? What if we just took time to pray without having a grocery list of what we want God to do? We want Him to fix our problem, or fix our health. We want Him to make our job better or help our relationship. Now please do not get me wrong, I believe God is interested in all of our needs and wants, I just think sometime it would be nice to spend time with Him without wanting.

How good would it be just to call on Him and tell Him how much you love Him and appreciate all He has done for you? How good would it be to be content with what He has blessed you with and not always wanting more? Paul understood being content. He spoke these words to the church at Philippi, “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned to be content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.”

Why not become content in whatever your situation. Can you imagine the joy that you would have in your life if you just accepted the situation and made the best out of it? We are dealing with unprecedented times and everyone is either scared to death or thinking it is all a farce or somewhere in the middle. We want things back to normal and they probably will never be again. So let’s be content. Don’t stop praying. Jesus taught us to “pray for our daily bread.” But let’s start being a little more content. We are more blessed than most could ever imagine.


Dear Jesus, Help us to be content. Whether everything is going our way or everything is going the wrong way. Help us to rely on you and just trust you in every situation. Give us the character of Paul and help us to realize that we can do anything through the strength of Jesus. Thank you for giving us all we have and blessing us beyond our means. In your name we pray, Amen.

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